
Hi there, welcome to Krakenwhip!

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’ve seen our booth at a Ren Faire, costuming, or leather event. Maybe we even got a chance to play dress up together in one of our utility belts, holsters or ruff tops. You may have heard us joke that we’re much better at making leather goods than we are at making websites, but we’re finally at a point where we can get good at the online thing too. Slowly. And with help. 

So the main thing is that you’ve come to the right place, and we’re still excited to make you something fabulous, we’re just at a transition point right now and need a bit of time to get our feet under us. The biggest news is that Molly Conway and Win Wallace, (longtime employees and booth managers) bought the company on January 1, 2024, and Kristin Gallup, the original Kraken of Krakenwhip is no longer connected to Krakenwhip and has started a new adventure called Sable & Sin.

We’re excited to move the brand forward and we’re incredibly grateful to our community for all of the love and support we’ve received in this transition. At the moment, we’re busting buns and pulling long hours in the studio to get a new collection ready for all of our upcoming events! We really appreciate your patience, and promise there’s some great things coming. (We’re working on expanding our size range, reducing our turnaround times for custom orders, making it *much* easier to order from us in general, and even debuting a few new products to add to the line.)

Feel free to check us out on Instagram to see what we’re up to, just remember that we’re makers first and content creators fourth. 

Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions, concerns, requests, or admiration! 


Happy adventuring!

Molly, Win, and the Krakencrew